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Fair Winds of Netiv HaAyit
"Happy" (Larson)

Born December 14 2008
CRD (puppy eye check)
Mental test:
Photo: Myrna Shiboleth

Happy's album

Say hello to "Happy"! The idea of importing a puppy has been in the brewing for over a year. Together with my friend Hilde we have for a long time admired the
pleasant character of many American collies. It's what we want in a collie: A friendly, playful and mentally sound disposition devoid of any nervousness. We found
what we were seeking at the Kings Valley Collies in the States. We were especially impressed with "Gavin", Kings Valley Frequent Flyer, a male with nothing short of a
superb temperament. We were hoping for a puppy from his next litter.

But then "Happy" entered the scene, at the Netiv HaAyit kennel in Israel. He is mostly from Kings Valley lines, linebred to our favourite smooth collie "Gavin". His
dam, Kings Valley After All "Freckle" is of the same mental calibre as her grandfather and we hope that her puppy will inherit all of her excellent traits. How could we
possibly say no to this cute little fellow? The litter is very even and strong both in temperament and physical built, our puppy being the star of the litter, showing lots of
confidence and spark.

After Happy has come to Norway and is done with his quarantine stay he will live at my friend Hilde's place.